Spine Facts

How important is your spinal health?

Hippocrates who is know as “the father of medicine” stated look well into the spine for the cause of disease. The neck should have a lordotic curve to keep the disc mobile and young. The curve gets lessened from poor posture and normal aging. It is very common for people to be looking down majority of the day to cell phones and computers. The positioning of a person’s head can decrease the curve in the neck. Chiropractic adjustments can help maintain proper curve and even help bring back proper curvature. The head is equivalent to a bowling ball weighing 10-12lbs. Text neck can start early onset degenerative disc disease. Another common finding with reverse curvature is vertigo. Vertigo is another presentation chiropractic can help with. Adjustments and the Epley’s maneuver have worked well in our clinic. Posture is key for staying young. Our disc are avascular, which means they lack blood supply. The only way to keep them well preserved is moving and stretching. Chiropractic adjustments also can help maintain proper posture and healthy disc.