Spinal Decompression Information

Did you know we have spinal decompression therapy:

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy is a motorized traction therapy that stretches the spine gently; resulting in a change of force and position of the spine and turn relieves the spinal discs and nerves of the pressure causing the pain in the first place.

It creates a negative intradiscal pressure which promotes the repositioning of the herniated disc material. It may help reduce pain and inflammation in the lower back and prevent surgery from being necessary, especially if the back pain is stress-induced. This is of great benefit for people having chronic back pain that worsens with age.

As people age, the discs that sit between the bones of the spine lose fluid and as a result, the spine becomes compressed and there is less protection between each bone. The gentle forces of Spinal Decompression Therapy cause the spine to de-stress causing a lowered pressure in the disc.

This leads to improved blood flow and an influx of healing nutrients and their exchange to the injured area.

In non-surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy, the spine is stretched and relaxed intermittently using the accurate calculations of the computer to generate just the right amount of tension to achieve optimal results.

When the spine is stretched by the machine, fluids fill the discs that have been losing fluids that repair the spinal discs.